Season runs 7th September to 12th December
|Games played at 53 Maddox St, Alexandria
CSBA Season 3 - U14 Boys (Born 2007 or Later)
Season runs 7th September to 12th December
Games played at 53 Maddox St, Alexandria
Training days vary Monday to Fridays from 5:00pm. Training venues may be Marrickville PCYC, Marrickville High, Dulwich Hill High or Fort St High.
Season cost:
1 Hour Training = $220
1.5 Hour Training = $260
2 Hour Training = $300
Player Training Exemption = $190
These costs are in addition to the CSBA registration fee and uniform cost.
By signup up you agree to be bound by the code of conduct and other policies on the CSBA website here.
By signing up you agree that your contact details may be shared with club management, the assigned team coach and members of the assigned team.
By signing up you agree that photography taken during club matches and training sessions may be used on the club website and social media on the conditions that all participants are adequately clothed and no identifying information is shared. If there is a specific instance where using an image of an individual is not allowed, it is the responsibility of that individual and/or their parent/guardian to inform the club.
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U12 Boys
$0.00Sale ended